Race Tips with Analysis
1No.69. THE REGENCY PLATE 1200 Mts 2.15 P.M
For Maiden Indian Horses 3 years old only
Horses Considered for the Selection: /6 7 8 5 4
6. NICHE ORGANIC38b 54.5 C.Umesh 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
7. PEARL50b 54.5 Arman Ali Jafri 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
8. TRULY SPECIAL20 54.5 Dhanu S.Deora 7]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
4. THINK ABOUT ME38 56 Praveen Saini 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
1. ASHWA JAWALA51w 56 Dilip Singh 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. KINGSLAYER50 56 K.Narender Kr. 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. LOLA20 56 R.Parvesh 8]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. NAUGHTY OR NICE50d 54.5 Akash Rajput 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:6 7
2No.70. THE ARISTROCRACY PLATE Div. I 1200 Mts 2.45 P.M
A Handicap for Indian Horses Rated 20 to 46. (Class IV)
Horses Considered for the Selection: /1 2 5 6
1. FLY AWAY37c 59 Akash Rajput 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. MASTER BECKET(44) 57.5 S.Mosin 7]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. GLENEAGLES46b 54 Praveen Saini 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
6. GOLDEN MAGIC46 54 Rajinder Saini 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. SHANE PUNJAB46 57 * Shaliyar Khan 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
4. MY CRYSTAL60 55.5 Jai Parkash 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
7. BLUEPRINT60 52.5 Md.Asif Khan 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:1 2
3No.71. THE ARISTROCRACY PLATE Div. II 1200 Mts 3.15 P.M
A Handicap for Indian Horses Rated 20 to 46. (Class IV)
Horses Considered for the Selection: /1 3 2 6
1. MASTER NOVAK60b 59 S.Mosin 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. BREEZE28 55.5 Dhanu S.Deora 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. AAO SHAO55b 55.5 Akash Rajput 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
6. SNOHVIT55c 54 T.S.Jodha 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
4. AMAZING MOONLIGHT54 55 R.Parvesh 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. KEEP COMING ON 54 * Shaliyar Khan 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:2 1
4No.72. THE WARANGAL PLATE 1000 Mts 3.45 P.M
A Handicap for Indian Horses Rated 40 to 66. (Class III)
Horses Considered for the Selection: /12 4 5 6
12. SKY DANCER 51.5 Dhanu S.Deora 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
4. DARING59c 58.5 Md.Asif Khan 7]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. TOP KING47 58.5 C.Umesh 13]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
6. ALL IS WELL48b 57.5 Shafeeq Ahmed 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
1. MISS CINDRELLA48w 60 S.Lalit 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. AZOTH48 59.5 Arun Kumar 12]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. RED APPLE(30) 59.5 Amandeep Singh 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
7. HE IS SEXY 57.5 S.A.Shah 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
8. AMAZING JET48 56.5 Narain Singh 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
9. DOT ON TIME(60) 56 Rajinder Saini 8]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
10. SOLITARY EAGLE48 55.5 G.S.Shekhawat 11]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
11. AL AZEEM 54 * Muzammil Hashmi 10]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
13. ARTAXIAS30 50 * Shaliyar Khan 9]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:12 5
5No.73. THE CUPID PLATE 1000 Mts 4.15 P.M
A Handicap for Indian Horses Rated 20 to 46. (Class IV)
Horses Considered for the Selection: /4 10 3 5 9
4. LADY35b 59 C.Umesh 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
10. ASHWA MAITHLI49b 52 Md.Asif Khan 8]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. ROSES ARE FOREVER34b 59.5 * Shaliyar Khan 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. WINNERS GOLD54b 58 S.Mosin 7]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
8. COMPREHENSIVE(32) 54.5 Praveen Saini 10]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. MISS COLOMBIANA(54) 60.5 Naresh Kumar 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
6. BRIGHT WATERS54c 56.5 G.S.Shekhawat 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
1. AMAZING MELODY 61.5 * Sameer Qureshi 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
7. WHIZZ55w 56 Irfan Khan 9]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
9. DARJEELING53b 52.5 Arman Ali Jafri 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:4 10
6No.74. THE FOND HOPE PLATE 1100 Mts 4.45 P.M
A Handicap for Indian Horses Rated 1 to 26. (Class V)
Horses Considered for the Selection: /8 2 3 11 1
8. FELICITY49c 52.5 Dhanu S.Deora 1]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
2. UDAAN2 58.5 T.S.Jodha 2]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
3. PONTY ROSSA56 54.5 Akash Rajput 10]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
11. CELESTIAL MOON31 50.5 Arman Ali Jafri 12]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
1. WHAT A NICE MAN56 59 Praveen Saini 4]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
4. DARK CAT42 54 Syed Asgar 3]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
5. QUE BUONO32 54 Md.Asif Khan 8]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
6. AMAZING GLORY26 53.5 Kundan Paswan 6]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
7. SPECIAL VINTAGE 53 * Sameer Qureshi 7]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
9. MISS LEE45d 52.5 R.Parvesh 9]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
10. ASHWA QUEEN 52 * Muzammil Hashmi 11]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
12. SOLID GOLD57 49.5 Rajinder Saini 5]=Only Tips, No Analysis for this centre
Our Tips:
Chennai and Delhi Races Tips 15 11 18
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