It is not enough to just purchase a race card whether it is Bol or Vel or Cole in India and looking at their choices in the bottom if you want to make a meaningful wager in horse races
The race card publishers give 6 tips in each race and minimum 3 tips under their selection and another 3 tips under track reporter’s choice. So it is necessary that you have to pick one or two among the selection for which you need to understand what is the form of a horse basically and if the form is not understood, chances are you always pay the bookies while expecting them to pay you..www.indiaracetips.com will publish one or two choices only whether win or lose is only results can tell .We are bold and not blind (Instead of giving 6 choices and some time the winner is not among six too}
No. The upward form and downward form and no form are in one complete form cycle of a horse. Horse wins in upward form and after few wins it loses its peak form and starts declining performance and later on goes completely out of form sometimes before regaining the lost form .The form of a race horse can be detected in their past performance. That does not guarantee you it will be keeping the same form for today races BUT consistency is expected from horses who are kept in good nick barring unknown hitches After all the past performance is a guide for you to know previous maximum potential of the particular horse. When I asked a trainer about how long a horse can retain the form, he suddenly shot back; I cannot tell you the exact period and it is a varied one. A horse may be retaining form astonishingly to even two to 5 years and other may lose it in few months too and it is directly related to the wellness of the horse and the conditioning method the trainer adopted in shaping its racing path.
You need to make judgment on each runners winning chance based on the analysis you made after reading every runners form. Many amateur punters jump to conclusion only seeing a particular runner and voting for it without even getting into the details of what other runners in that race have done so far. This may prove costly over your punting experience. For this reason indiaracetips devotes much time and publishes the other runners form in simple mode of explanation and re -arranges the runners in our Analysis/Tips sheets based on current winning chances.
Form Analysts will undoubtedly consider lots of other factors also before placing their bet or suggesting to someone to wager and they take some or all of the following into consideration.
This is extremely important as some runners love hard underfoot and some love yield conditions while some relieve the soft going .Usually the past record studied with penetrometer readings and their finishes on the given underfoot will guide you in taking out a meaningful decision on this reading.
Assuming the runners on a particular race today have already run some races, gives you the performance of those runners in the distance they have run so far. If you look at the distance they had already run definitely they come from varied distances of their like and dislike .It is therefore you need to have clear cut thought whether this runner will run better in this distance or not. The first timers are judged based on the pedigree factor as well the training tactics of a trainer and you need to possess that skill while deciding to vote or against such distance suitability. For the experienced again it is the minimal task and for the new comers it may be a daunting task .If your final selection does not have the distance suitability then you are likely to be in for a shock as some horses are sprint lovers and some are middle distance upto a mile and others are stamina specialists who love long trips. For this reason in our analysis if the trip is new there will be a mention of how much .This will definitely give an edge in your wagering preference
If the horses are kept fit, they are likely to maintain consistency in their performance. Here when I speak of class, you need to understand types of races run in India.
In India very hardly people pay attention to this factor, they are quit confused because they do not read the race title and pay attention to what type of race the runners are in for today and what were the race types they participated in the past. I would say not even 10% of race goers wagering on horse races at India consider this vital point.
When you read class, here a good element of elimination process is present and that might reduce your task of weeding out the pretenders before considering the contenders. In every race the trainers’ field pretenders and contenders but it is you who should have the knack of identifying which catogory they belong.
Horses that perform in handicap races may not perform well in listed or graded races.Usually if you look at the career path of each participant,you might get a fair idea of how the horses have come to this particular race.
The stake money advertised for the graded races gives you valuable information .Only top bloodstock are pitted with meticulous preparations are likely to run in listed and graded races and when they run in the lower grade or in handicap races after being just participants earlier in graded and listed races they are likely to dominate the proceedings .For this reason a comment considering class is obviously included in the race analysis.
For more information please check the pattern of races in India to understand handicap and graded races in this site where you can get information on classes of different race clubs in India
Pace study is an intricate one. But it will be a truly rewarding if you can judge the pace of the race. You need to know what kind of pace a particular race was run and whether this runner in consideration liked it or not. This is evident from the runners finish within 5 lengths from the winner for a possible future consideration .The results may not be the same if the races are run in different paces assuming the same contenders now but with a different pace.
The point which is largely ignored is some horses love some tracks. A horse that loves Mahalaxmi ground may not perform well at Bangalore or vice versa and some horses are specific to the tracks and some show their best in certain tracks. The recent multimillion winners Murioi at Mahalaxmi track is latest example, while it was squarely beaten in other tracks but he proved its mettle at the Mumbai track against his conquerors. Very often you will see in our analysis winner C], winner CD] and for exactly giving you the information we would like you to consider or drop in your final wagering
When using a form guide it is suggested you pay some attention to racing incidents that may have marred a particular runner’s chances that day and helped the winner.You also need to be aware of common abbreviations used to denote various factors in a horse’s recent form line in various race publications.We suggest you to read each publication’s ‘How to Read the Race Card’ as it varies it from publication to publication
Other factors that matter while selecting is the finish where exactly this horse finished when last ran, the company line (gives valuable information as regard to strength of the other runners), the spell, winning or losing spell of a horse, the beaten favorites, and other factors such as gelded dates, racing gap and even manners .For any other clarification if you would like please feel free to mail to handicapper@indiaracetips.com and if we feel you have genuine query we will assist you.