C O Donoghue
Race Tips with Analysis
C O Donoghue
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 4 to 30 (Class-V)
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /4 5 7 6
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue TASMAN83 56.5 A.Sandesh 1]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue TENACIOUS45d 56.5 P.Trevor 7]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue CUPIDO77 56 Y.S.Srinath 9]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue WALK THE TALK8 56.5 A.Imran Khan 8]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue THUNDERCLAP66 59 S.John 4]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue STARS FOR YOU60 57.5 C.S.Jodha 3]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue SADDLE THE WIND53b 57 P.S.Kaviraj 12]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue HIS MASTER’S VICE104c 53 Nirmal Jodha 6]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue CHEZZA104 52 Amyn Merchant 2]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
10.C O Donoghue MR.HONEY104d 51.5 T.S.Jodha 10]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
11.C O Donoghue SWEEPING MOVE104b 51.5 Bhawani Singh 11]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
12.C O Donoghue BIG BEN104 50.5 N.S.Parmar 5]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:4 5
C O Donoghue
2No.114. THE MAHALAKSHMI MILLION 2400 Mts 5.00 P.M
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 40-66 (Class-III)
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /4 1 7 2
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue EAGLEINTHESKY79d 56.5 C.D.Hayes 5]=after running 4th in BangaloreC O Donoghue derby on 26th Jan last year, 4 of 6 last run this season, tripC O Donoghue suits very much, advantage run benefit, C.D.Hayes up note
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue GOLDEN ERA(79) 59 A.Sandesh 4]=winner in last attempt over1600m, handicapC O Donoghue went up, Sandesh continues, trip up by 800m, current form supportsC O Donoghue considering again
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue GOSHAWK83d 53 N.S.Parmar 3]=had three runs this season, last run 4 of 8 despiteC O Donoghue slow take-off, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue FLEUR DE LYS90c 57.5 A.Imran Khan 6]=winner over2000m and then 3 of 5 over2000mC O Donoghue in last run, trip further up, runs to front, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue GDANSK67c 57.5 J.Chinoy 1]=blood vessel broke, yet finished 3rd over2000m,C O Donoghue trip further up, may upset
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue PLAY SAFE79 56.5 C O Donoghue 2]=unplacedC O DonoghueC O Donoghue C O Donoghue in last six runs, this season second run, advantage run benefit
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue MORISEIKI83b 54 P.Trevor 7]=a failed favorite, jumps up a class, trip up byC O Donoghue 400, Trevor continues, can do now
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:4 1
C O Donoghue
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 20-46 (Class-IV)
(0C O Donoghue to 19 eligible).
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /13 12 8 3 1
C O Donoghue
13.C O Donoghue ONE FOR THE GLORY73d 52 S.Zervan 2]=a failed favorite on 5th Jan inC O Donoghue lower class over the same trip, at an attractive handicap, can do now
C O Donoghue
12.C O Donoghue MEMORABLE EYES27d 52.5 Imran Chisty 11]=as a favorite finished 4 of 9 in itsC O Donoghue only run this season, scope to improve
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue LION KING(65) 56 Y.S.Srinath 3]=winner in last attempt over1400m, up inC O Donoghue class, Srinath up, may upset
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue BAIT AND SWITCH 58 P.Trevor 10]=winner in last attempt over the same trip,C O Donoghue now Trevor up, chance again
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue NOBLE HEIR(45) 60 A.Sandesh 4]=winner in last attempt over1400m on 21stC O Donoghue Dec, trip little up, chance again
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue POWER OF THOR(96) 58.5 P.S.Kaviraj 13]=winner in last attempt over the sameC O Donoghue trip, handicap went up, a 7 year old, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue FANFARE96b 58 C.S.Jodha 6]=latest ran 2 of 6 over the same trip, chance toC O Donoghue amend
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue ZANZIBAAR93 57.5 T.S.Jodha 1]=so far unplaced in last five runs, earlier consistencyC O Donoghue seen 2nd of 7 in higher class, upset chance exists
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue CONSCIENCE(98) 57 Shrikant Kamble 7]=winner in last attempt over1000m, tripC O Donoghue considerably up, but not new, current form supports considering again
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue ALAUDDIN KHILJI38 56 Dhanu S.Deora 12]=a failed favorite and ran 5 of 12 over1200m,C O Donoghue earlier Pune maiden winner over1200m, out of the blue chances
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue GUARNERIUS12 55.5 JWDL 5]=last two runs nowhere, must know more beforeC O Donoghue recommending this runner
C O Donoghue
10.C O Donoghue GOLD MEDALIST32 54 Dashrath Singh 9]=ran 5 of 6 over2000m last run, earlier C O Donoghue in the minor money in 4 runs at Pune overC O Donoghue different trips, Dashrath up, chance to upset
C O Donoghue
11.C O Donoghue ITS A DEAL66d 52.5 Amyn Merchant 8]=had a single run this season and 4 of 7 overC O Donoghue the same trip, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:13 12
C O Donoghue
4No.116. THE PELICAN MILLION 1000 Mts 6.00 P.M
ForC O Donoghue Maiden Indian Horses 3 years old only.
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /2 4 5 11 12 13
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue ENDEAVOUR 56 P.Trevor 6]=debut run, Trevor up
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue MARKET KING 56 Nicky Mackay 5]=debut run
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue MONARCH29 56 Suraj Narredu 4]=unshod last run, as good as first run, SurajC O Donoghue continues
C O Donoghue
11.C O Donoghue SKY FALL50 54.5 David Egan 10]=an exposed 9th last run, David EganC O Donoghue up, needs consideration
C O Donoghue
12.C O Donoghue SPRING GROVE 54.5 A.Sandesh 2]=debut run, trainer jockey proven combo
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue ASHWA CHINTZ29 56 Amyn Merchant 1]=this season twice off the board, must knowC O Donoghue more before recommending this runner
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue EXCELERATOR 56 N.S.Parmar 7]=debut run
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue CANDESCENT STAR 54.5 H.Zeeshan 14]=debut run
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue FARAHNAAZ61w 54.5 S.Zervan 8]=debut run
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue FINALIST92 54.5 J.Chinoy 3]=an interfered 5 of 7 over1000m on 16thC O Donoghue Jan, when quoted 21/4, may upset
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue LADY LANETTE101b 54.5 Dashrath Singh 9]=thrice unlucky 2nd, needsC O Donoghue consideration
C O Donoghue
10.C O Donoghue LIFETIME 54.5 C.S.Jodha 11]=twice 2nd over1100m, runs to front C O Donoghue at Hyderabad, this ground new, may do better
C O Donoghue
13.C O Donoghue TREASURE HUNT61c 54.5 C.D.Hayes 12]=far away 3 of 5 when quoted 5/2 despiteC O Donoghue hanging out, that run is best ignored, now Hayes up, under activeC O Donoghue consideration
C O Donoghue
14.C O Donoghue ZENITH85 54.5 Bhawani Singh 13]=others look far better
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:2 12
C O Donoghue
5No.117. THE EBCO LIVSMART MILLION 1400 Mts 6.30 P.M
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 60-86 (Class-II)
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /1 3 4 6 9
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue MALWA86 54.5 P.Trevor 1]=last two runs no show in terms class, earlier winnerC O Donoghue over1400m at Bangalore on 22nd Nov, chance now
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue STAR APPEARANCE 55.5 Suraj Narredu 7]=last run ran below par over2400m, earlierC O Donoghue winner over1600m at Chennai, a challenger from Bangalore, needs considerationC O Donoghue
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue VALEGRO20b 59 Leigh Roche 5]=had a single run this season and 2 of 7 over1600m,C O Donoghue consistency seen, runs reduced trip, runs to front , can consider nowC O DonoghueC O Donoghue
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue EYES FOR YOU100 56.5 N.S.Parmar 4]=Had an interfered run and 7 of 9 over1200m,C O Donoghue trip little up, chance on old form
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue QUESTIONABLE 52.5 C.S.Jodha 3]=after winning a 1400m race, ran a far awayC O Donoghue down 4 of 4, can omit here
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue PABLO(2) 51.5 A.Sandesh 9]=winner in last attempt, runs on promotion, SandeshC O Donoghue continues, can consider again
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue MAJESTIC WARRIOR99c 50.5 P.S.Kaviraj 6]=twice 3rd in last 2C O Donoghue attempts, up in class, can upset
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue KARIEGA44 49 K.Nazil 8]=had a single run this season and unplaced, now inC O Donoghue handicap, reduced trip, needs consideration
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue RAINBOW TROUT90b 49 A.S.Peter 2]=winner and was stepped down in objection over2000m,C O Donoghue runs reduced trip, runs on promotion, C O Donoghue can upset here
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:4 3
C O Donoghue
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 20-46 (Class-IV)
(0C O Donoghue to 19 eligible),5 years old and over, Foreign Jockeys Eligible
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /3 4 5 1 11
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue THOMAS HARDY25 61.5 A.Sandesh 14]=off the board in last four runs including 2C O Donoghue this season, now Sandesh up, can expect an improved show
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue RUN FORREST RUN40c 61 Y.S.Srinath 2]=twice 3rd in last two runs over1400m,C O Donoghue runs reduced trip, Srinath up, can consider now
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue SAFDAR47d 62 Dhanu S.Deora 7]=had two runs this season over1600m and over1400m,C O Donoghue blood vessel broke in last run over the same trip, yet finished 4thC O Donoghue twice in higher class, now demoted, may do well
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue JETFIRE84d 61 N.S.Parmar 8]=had three runs this season, twice 4th over1000mC O Donoghue and over1200m, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
11.C O Donoghue ANTARCTICA(52) 57.5 Bhawani Singh 5]=winner in last attempt over the sameC O Donoghue trip in lower class, runs on promotion, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue ODESSA70d 61.5 A.S.Peter 11]=3rd and twice 4th this seasonC O Donoghue over1200m and over1400m, improvement possible
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue STEPPENWOLF24b 61 K.Nazil 3]=as a favorite 2 of 8 over1000m on 8thC O Donoghue Dec, this season second run, can improve further
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue SHIVALIK QUEEN47 60 Amyn Merchant 12]=last five runs no show including oneC O Donoghue this season, advantage run benefit
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue USTAD PEDRO42 59.5 S.Zervan 10]=off the board on 21st Dec whenC O Donoghue quoted 19/4 over the same trip, now Zervan up, with that benefit of run canC O Donoghue do better
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue ARTICULATE63d 58 A.Imran Khan 4]=Pune winner over the same trip and then ranC O Donoghue far down 4 of 8 deficit 11 lengths when quoted 13/2, runs with a modestC O Donoghue chance
C O Donoghue
10.C O Donoghue ANGELS HARMONY97d 57.5 C.S.Jodha 1]=a 6 year old,, winner 1400m lower classC O Donoghue in its penultimate run and last run far away 4 of 8 over1400m in its ageC O Donoghue group, runs with a modest chance
C O Donoghue
12.C O Donoghue MOUNT OLYMPUS84c 55.5 J.Chinoy 9]=3 of 12 in its only run this season, PuneC O Donoghue twice 4th among 4 starts, chance to upset
C O Donoghue
13.C O Donoghue AME80 54.5 * K.Pranil 6]=had three runs this season and once 4thC O Donoghue on 21st Dec over the same trip, a 8 year old, runs with a modestC O Donoghue chance
C O Donoghue
14.C O Donoghue RED CARNATION91c 54.5 P.S.Kaviraj 13]=jumps up a class, last run 3 of 10,C O Donoghue weight favors now
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:3 5
C O Donoghue
AC O Donoghue Handicap for Horses Rated 4 to 30 (Class-V)
C O Donoghue
Horses Considered for theC O Donoghue Selection: /1 5 6 2 9
C O Donoghue
1.C O Donoghue MIKAYLA’S PRIDE60b 59 A.Imran Khan 5]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
5.C O Donoghue DILBAR81c 57 M.Ayyar 13]=Only Tips without analysis available for this lowestC O Donoghue class race
C O Donoghue
6.C O Donoghue BLAZING BAY46d 56.5 C O ’Donoghue 1]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
2.C O Donoghue SENIORITY18 59 S.Zervan 12]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
9.C O Donoghue GOLDEN STEAL91b 55.5 David Egan 6]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
3.C O Donoghue BRILLIANT GOLD41 58.5 Nicky Mackay 7]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
4.C O Donoghue SHAPATH68b 58.5 T.S.Jodha 11]=Only Tips without analysis available for thisC O Donoghue lowest class race
C O Donoghue
7.C O Donoghue PRINCESS SCARLET57d 56 Imran Chisty 4]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
8.C O Donoghue GALLOPING STAR4 55.5 * Aniket Karande 8]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
10.C O Donoghue NORTHERN SINGER46 55.5 P.S.Kaviraj 3]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
11.C O Donoghue GOLD MEMBER87d 55 Nirmal Jodha 10]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
12.C O Donoghue ADAMS BEGINNING88b 54.5 Santosh G. 2]=Only Tips without analysis availableC O Donoghue for this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
13.C O Donoghue ON VA DANSER88c 54.5 J.Chinoy 14]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
14.C O Donoghue PRINCIPESSA65 51.5 Dashrath Singh 9]=Only Tips without analysis available forC O Donoghue this lowest class race
C O Donoghue
OurC O Donoghue Tips:5 1
Mumbai Races:Analysis and Tips 01 02 2020
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