R.No.70 -Cl.(MU2425)
Distance: Stake:K PMR-/FR:
Rating | HorseRunner | Jockey | Dr | CWt. | A/S | Bnd | Fin | FinTime | Dist2W | Running postion |
7676 | PSYCHIC STAR | Vivek G | 3 | 57 | 4y | 4 | 1 | 2:33:68 | L | comfortable 4th till turn, loomed large and in a trice took over from 350, got stronger with every stride to clinch the Ladies Derby in taking style |
4960 | REGINA MEMORABILIS | Neeraj Rawal | 10 | 57 | 4y | 3 | 2 | 2:34:06 | 2 1/2L | 3rd till turn, joined the fray but outsmarted by the winner - managed to gain the runner up in a scramble for the minor placings |
5959 | EXPEDITE | S G Prasad | 5 | 57 | 4y | 2 | 3 | 2:34:07 | 2 1/2L | 2nd till turn, joined the fray and stayed on very right till the end, ending a good 3rd |
3952 | THALASSA | Imran Chisty | 2 | 57 | 4y | 8 | 4 | 2:34:09 | 2 1/2L | 9th till 1200, 8th till turn, covered ground well to finish a close 4th |
6464 | FIELD OF DREAMS | Akshay Kumar | 8 | 57 | 4y | 5 | 5 | 2:34:24 | 3 1/2L | 6th till 2000, 5th for the rest of the way |
4545 | PYRITE | A Prakash | 6 | 57 | 4y | 7 | 6 | 2:34:32 | 4L | 7th till turn, ended 6th |
6161 | STAR OF NIGHT | Suraj Narredu | 9 | 57 | 4y | 9 | 7 | 2:34:47 | 5L | in rear till turn, improved to finish 7th |
3232 | LA DOLCE VITA | P Trevor | 7 | 57 | 4y | 10 | 8 | 2:34:66 | 6 1/4L | last till turn, beat two in the end |
4343 | FINAL CALL | A Sandesh | 1 | 57 | 4y | 1 | 9 | 2:34:84 | 7 1/4L | set pace till entering straight, went back |
3838 | SUBSTANTIAL | S Saqlain | 4 | 57 | 4y | 6 | 10 | 2:35:46 | 11 1/4L | in mid field till turn, weakened to finish last |