History for the Horse: MIRACLE STAR
Center | RNo | Date | Odds | Cl | Dist | AR | A/S | AWt | CWt | Jockey | Dr | Sh | BP | FP | WinnerT | Timedif | LBh | Winner |
COMMENTARY | ||||||||||||||||||
BW2425 | 94 | 10Jan25 | 5/2 | M3Y | 1100 M | 0 | 3f | 54.5 | 54 | Mukesh Kumar | 9 | A | 4 | 2 | 1-06.50 | 1-06.57 | 0 1/2L | MAGNETAR |
4th till turn, quickened well entering the home stretch, snatched lead but found the winner too hot to handle in the end - needed this run |