R.No.34 -Cl.(MU2425)
Distance: Stake:K PMR-/FR:
Rating | HorseRunner | Jockey | Dr | CWt. | A/S | Bnd | Fin | FinTime | Dist2W | Running postion |
2838 | SUBSTANTIAL | A Sandesh | 3 | 53 | 3y | 4 | 1 | 1:36:46 | L | 4th till turn, through a lovely opening entering straight snatched the initiative and strode away to score a resilient victory in the end |
3335 | DESERT CLASSIC | R Ajinkya | 7 | 55 | 3y | 2 | 2 | 1:36:75 | 1 3/4L | 2nd till turn, tried to snatch lead outpaced by the winner |
4142 | TREASURE GOLD | Vishal N Bunde | 6 | 59 | 7y | 8 | 3 | 1:36:80 | 1 3/4L | 8th till turn, came with a rush of speed, looked menacing but pulled off a smart place soup efficaciously in the end |
2929 | NOSTALGIA | Akshay Kumar | 8 | 53 | 3y | 7 | 4 | 1:37:20 | 4 1/4L | 7th till turn, improved to finish 4th |
2827 | GOLDIVA | Haridas Gore | 4 | 53 | 5y | 10 | 5 | 1:37:28 | 4 3/4L | last till turn, improved to finish 5th |
4443 | SCARAMOUCHE | T S Jodha | 2 | 61 | 3y | 6 | 6 | 1:37:31 | 4 3/4L | in mid field throughout - ignore this effort |
2726 | ATATURK | Vivek G | 10 | 52 | 3y | 5 | 7 | 1:37:77 | 7 1/2L | 6th till 1000, 5th till turn, clipped the heels of Dancing Star entering straight and gave up |
2927 | BALTHAZAR | Bhawani Singh | 1 | 53 | 3y | 1 | 8 | 1:38:03 | 9 1/4L | start to finish bid foiled entering straight |
3230 | DANCING STAR | K G Likith Appu | 9 | 55 | 3y | 3 | 9 | 1:38:39 | 11 1/2L | 3rd till turn, dropped back |
2422 | HIGHGROUND | Shrikant Kamble | 5 | 51 | 3y | 9 | 10 | 1:39:49 | 18 1/2L | not much of a show throughout |